About Us

Tashkent Medical Academy

About the branch center for retraining  and in-service training of academic staff under Tashkent Medical Academy (TMA).

The branch center for retraining and in-service training of academic staff under Tashkent Medical Academy has been functioning since 1976 and at first it was originally organized as a faculty for retraining of teachers of secondary specialized educational institutions on the basis of the Tashkent state Medical Institute.

In 1994 on the basis mentioned above the faculty for retraining and in-service of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions was organiezed . On the 24th of Iune in 1997 according to the decree N302 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan the center for retraining and in service training  of academic staff in higher and secondary medical schools on pedagogical skills was founded at the faculty.

On the basis of the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers N278 “On measurs to further improve the system of retraining of teachers of higher educational institutions” dated 26 septimber 2012 the branch center for training  academic staff under TMA was reorganized on the 1st of Lanuary in 2013.

On the 12 th of lune 2015 the decree of the President of Uzbekistan “On measures to further improve the system of retraining and advanced training of leader and academic staff of higher educational institutions ” was accepted.

Today in Branch Center for retraining and in-service training of academic staff under TMA academic staff of all the medical higher institutions in Uzbekistan and Tashkent city ,region medical colleges train their skills.

The 288 hour program of professional development of teachers is directed to increase in psychological and pedagogical skills and professional competence of academic staff.

The contents of the programm give to teachers an opportunity to increase the level of professional skill  in the field of the taught disciplines :to study professionally significant qualites of subsubjects of educational proress: to seize mefhods of training and education  of subjects of teaching  process,to master ways and means of activization of cognitive  activity of trainees.

At the end of the training course listeners receive certificates of the state sample.

For training clinical basic departments are located on basis of the largest hospitals and diagnostic centers of Tashkent and equipped  with the modern equipment.The staff of these departaments develop the new directions of sctentific researches and new technologies in medicine with use of the latest achiev  ments of scientisic and technical progress. Classes are provided at the high sctentific and educational and  methodical level.

The academic sataff of the Branch Center consists of an academician of the Sctence of Academy of  Uzbekistan, Science of medicine and more than 15 PHD

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Theme: Overlay by Kaira TMA ITC
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