Month: February 2019

The lecture by the foreign specialist

On February 20-21, 2019  Professor A.V. Aliyev from the Azerbaijan State Medical University, gave the

following lectures”, and held master class on the theme “Introduction of innovative technologies in

health management”


and “ Health Management ”  with the listeners of the therapeutic group at the branch center for

retraining and in –service training of academic staff under Tashkent Medical Academy. The audience

received answers to their  questions which they were interested in.

Visit to the librariy

On February 13, 2019, the listeners of the “Treatment” direction “Therapy”

of the Branch center for retraining and in- service training of academic staff

under Tashkent medical academy visited the library of Uzminzdrav.

Library Director F.V. Bolkinova gave lectures to the listeners on the topic

“History of the organization and prospects for the development of the work


of the Uzminzdrav library. Promising innovative opportunities. ”

Theme: Overlay by Kaira TMA ITC
Forobiy ko'chasi 2